£2.7 million upgrade to Glebe House Surgery will create an integrated healthcare hub in the heart of Bedale

Today (July 6) marks the start of a £2.7 million investment in healthcare facilities in Bedale.
The project will develop the existing Glebe House Surgery, located on Firby Road, into an integrated healthcare hub for residents of Bedale and the surrounding areas.
Construction is due to take 64 weeks and will include a 500 square metre extension and a reconfiguration of the existing building to provide an enhanced healthcare facility.
Once complete the new Glebe House will be home to both the existing primary care GP services and community services currently delivered from Bedale Health Clinic by South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, and Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.
During the construction period Glebe House Surgery will be open as usual delivering all current primary care services.
Once construction is complete community services, including midwifery, speech and language therapy and district nursing, will transfer from Bedale Health Clinic to Glebe House creating the integrated hub envisioned by the project.
Partners at Glebe House Surgery said: “We have been working on this project for some time. We know it will enable enhanced services for our patients and the community, with additional consultation, treatments and reception space. We look forward to working with the whole community team out of modern and custom built facilities.”
Dr Charles Parker, Clinical Chair for NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “This is an exciting development for the NHS in North Yorkshire. This investment will enable us to provide modern, extended facilities which enable local people to access more of the care they need in one place helping us deliver an integrated healthcare service for the twenty-first century.
“We will continue to work with our partners during the months ahead to ensure that any disruption to the public and patients is kept to a minimum and there is a smooth transition of services once the enhanced facility is complete.”
The new Glebe House will include an increased number of consulting and treatment rooms and additional parking as well as modern reception and waiting spaces. This project has been funded jointly by NHS England through a capital grant, NHS North Yorkshire CCG and Glebe House Surgery.