Get involved

Listening to the views of patients, carers and families is essential to ensuring the health services we commission are fit for purpose and meet the needs of our local communities.
We are committed to understanding the local community and taking health inequalities into consideration when planning engagement.
We will utilise existing community, voluntary networks and events where possible, with the aim that the CCG will come to you rather than expecting you to come to us, and not reconstruct for no reason.
Our vision is "Working together for healthier lives in North Yorkshire" and putting patients at the heart of our decision making process is paramount to that.
Our full Communications and Engagement Strategy is available here.
In line with section 14Z2 of the NHS Act 2006 (as amended by the Health and Social Care 2012), we have a legal duty to “make arrangements” to involve the public when redesigning or reconfiguring healthcare services.
Our Governing Body takes these views into consideration as part of any decision it makes about how best to provide local health services.
There are a number of ways you can choose to get involved, from completing surveys to attending focus groups and public meetings.
The best way to hear about opportunities to have your say is join our virtual network, ‘The Loop’. We also work closely with local GP Practice Patient Participation Groups.