Information about the latest NHS Covid-19 text message scam

There have been reports of a new scam where a person receives a text saying they need to book a vaccination appointment and it takes them to a fake NHS form which then asks for their bank details to prove their identity. If you have relatives who aren’t familiar with text message cons, please warn…

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New online support service launched across North Yorkshire and beyond to help men with their mental health

A free online mental health and emotional wellbeing support service has been launched to help men living in North Yorkshire and across the Humber, Coast and Vale area. Men aged 18+ can now register to use Qwell for Men – a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing service which can be accessed anywhere using…

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NHS Staff Vaccinate More Than Half A Million People in England

NHS staff have vaccinated more than half a million patients against Coronavirus in under two weeks, according to official figures published today. The NHS delivered the world’s first Covid vaccination outside of a clinical trial to Margaret Keenan in Coventry on Tuesday December 8. A total of 521,594 people have received an NHS vaccination in…

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GP and Pharmacy access in North Yorkshire over Christmas

With Christmas fast approaching, North Yorkshire residents are being asked to choose the right service during the holidays. GP practices in North Yorkshire will be closed from 25 December reopening on Tuesday 29 December. Practices will also be closed on Friday 1 January and will then reopen on Monday 4 January. Residents who need medical…

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