North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) invite service users to help shape autism assessment services for children and young people

The NHS in North Yorkshire are inviting feedback on the current children and young peoples’ autism assessment service. Parent, carers, children and young people who have used the service in the last three years are being called upon to attend virtual focus groups to share experiences of the autism assessment service in North Yorkshire. Suzanne…

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New weight management service available in North Yorkshire

Adults in North Yorkshire can now access a Specialist Weight Management Service through NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). This intensive service (known as Tier 3) is available for all patients in the NHS North Yorkshire CCG area for the first time. The new service is for patients who have tried other weight loss…

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Sir Chris Whitty steps out along the coast on a visit to Scarborough

Professor Sir Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, had a bracing introduction to Scarborough on his fact-finding visit as he walked part of a coastal route with Louise Wallace North Yorkshire’s Director of Public Health. On a bright and breezy morning he stepped out on a Discoveries On Your Doorstep route around Scarborough Castle and…

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Free eating disorder training for secondary school teachers in North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire secondary schools (maintained, academies and independent) and PRUs are being offered the opportunity to access FREE training to increase awareness and understanding of eating disorders. The training has been funded through the Wellbeing Return Grant due to data which is indicating an increase in eating disorders in young people. The training is provided…

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Children and Young People’s Social and Emotional Mental Health Fund – North Yorkshire grant opportunities

NHS North Yorkshire CCG’s Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Partnership has identified funding to provide grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to address the increased pressure on the system of services for children and young people’s social and emotional mental health and wellbeing. The grants will be available for VCSE organisations in…

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