Winter vomiting bug and other illnesses on the rise

Published on Jan 7, 2019

Health professionals in Scarborough and Ryedale are seeing a rise in the numbers of people with the winter vomiting bug and other seasonal illnesses.

While the numbers are not necessarily out of the ordinary, GPs and other clinicians say patients and their carers can help reduce the risk of winter infections being transmitted through good hygiene, regular hand-washing and ample hydration.

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust’s Infection, Prevention and Control Team said: “There has been a rise in the number of cases of diarrhoea and vomiting, influenza and chest infections in the community over the past few weeks.

“We would like to remind people they can help reduce the risk of infection through good hygiene and it’s also important that people who are suffering with a winter illness maintain hydration levels to avoid getting more poorly.”

There’s further information about norovirus, here.

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Musical backed by NHS and mental health charities comes to Stephen Joseph Theatre

Published on Jan 3, 2019

An award-winning comedy musical that throws glitter at depression backed by NHS and mental health charities Mind and Mental Health Foundation is coming to Scarborough.

Silent Uproar is bringing A Super Happy Story (About Feeling Super Sad) to Stephen Joseph Theatre on 5 – 6 February, after impressing crowds and critics alike at last year’s Edinburgh Fringe.

In addition to the cast and crew being able to talk to people affected by any of the issues in the show, the company is also arranging for mental healthcare volunteers to be on hand after performances to signpost them to help available.

Scarborough GP and Clinical Lead for Mental Health, Dr Peter Billingsley, said: “One in four people in the UK experience depression and yet millions of people still don’t talk about their condition as they think it will affect their jobs or relationships.

“The show could be an incredibly powerful way of showcasing mental health and how it can affect people as well as breaking down any stereotypes and educating people who still don’t fully understand depression or even believe it’s a thing.”

The show was shortlisted for the Mental Health Foundation’s first ever Mental Health Fringe Award at Edinburgh Fringe last year and is influenced by the company’s personal experiences, it has also been informed by people living with mental health problems and medical professionals.

Silent Uproar is a Hull-based new writing company, commissioning writers to create playful and provocative work to help make the world a little less grim.

Tickets for Scarborough start from £10 and are available on the Stephen Joseph Theatre website.

For more information, go to

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CCG welcomes funding boost for Scarborough Hospital

Published on Dec 20, 2018

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has welcomed a £40 million funding boost to upgrade Scarborough Hospital’s emergency department.

The money will be used to create a Combined Emergency Assessment Unit, which will help staff assess patients more quickly and make sure they get the right type of treatment sooner.

Part of a successful £88.5 million bid submitted through the Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership, it will take investment in buildings and infrastructure at Scarborough Hospital to more than £80 million since 2012.

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG Chairman, Dr Phil Garnett, said: “This is fantastic news for hospital services in Scarborough and should be loudly welcomed by patients.

“The money will be used to create a first-class assessment centre at Scarborough Hospital and demonstrates the commitment of York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to maintaining and improving services for patients in the town and surrounding area.

“Importantly, we also believe it will make Scarborough Hospital a much more attractive place to work and will help tackle some of the retention and recruitment difficulties faced by the Trust in recent years.”

Mike Proctor, Chief Executive of York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, said: “This is the news we’ve been waiting for and is fantastic for both patients and staff, signaling our commitment to investing in Scarborough Hospital.

“This much-needed development means we can improve and streamline how patients are assessed, admitted and treated, which should reduce the time that people wait in the department and ultimately improve patient safety.”

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People experiencing anxiety and depression this Christmas encouraged to seek help through talking therapy

Published on Nov 29, 2018

North Yorkshire GPs are urging residents to seek help if the strains of Christmas begin to take a toll on mental health.

With the pressure to socialise, temptation to overindulge and finances stretched, this can be a particularly stressful time of year.

The inclement winter weather and dark days mean it can also be especially difficult for people who are alone or have been bereaved.

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is encouraging residents to refer themselves to an NHS talking therapy service in North Yorkshire known as IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies), if they feel they are at a low ebb.

Dr Peter Billingsley, Associate Chair of NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the clinical lead on mental health, said: “We know that the winter and festive period is particularly challenging for people who experience mental health difficulties. If you, or someone you care for, start to feel the need for mental health support, you can contact the IAPT service directly which means you don’t have to see your GP first.

“We also think it’s important for patients to know that the IAPT service is not a crisis or urgent response service for people who are severely unwell. You should always dial 999 in a medical emergency, call NHS 111 for any urgent concerns or ring your local GP practice if you feel IAPT is not for you and you are looking for alternative support.

“You can also visit to find contact details for your local crisis support team.”

One in four people will experience difficulties in their mental health at some point in their lives. Significant events or a build-up of stresses such as work place problems, a change in life circumstances, a traumatic event or a specific phobia could lead to difficulties managing mental wellbeing. Problems with low mood, depression and anxiety can develop and make it difficult for us to cope with life’s daily demands.

IAPT can support people experiencing mild to moderate difficulties with any of the following:


anxiety and worry

panic attacks

health anxiety

social phobia

specific phobias

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Andrew Wright, North Yorkshire IAPT Service Manager with the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust said: “To make sure IAPT is right for you, you will be offered a focused initial assessment over the phone, (alternative arrangements can be made if required).

“At the end of the assessment you will be directed to the most appropriate support for your needs. This might include guided self-learning, attending a psychoeducational course, computerised guided self-help, or in some cases cognitive behavioural therapy.

“If you would prefer to discuss things with your GP first, please make an appointment. Your GP can also help you refer to IAPT, or to a suitable alternative.”

IAPT is a national NHS programme to increase the availability of talking therapy treatments recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) to treat anxiety and depression.

More information can be found here:, or dial 01947 899270 if you are a patient registered at a GP practice in the NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG area.

Local IAPT service contact details for patient self-referrals:

Northallerton, Gibraltar House, Thurston Road, Northallerton, DL6 2NA

01609 768890

Whitby (also for NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG patients), Whitby Hospital, Springhill, Whitby, YO21 1EE

01947 899270

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GP advice on how to stay well this winter

Published on Nov 27, 2018

With winter just around the corner, NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG are advising local residents on the best ways to stay well during the cold weather.

There are a number of effects the winter can have, and they are not just physical, the colder weather and shorter days can also affect your mental health.

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG, Governing Body member and Local GP, Dr Peter Billingsly has a lot useful tips to help you stay well this winter.

Be aware of norovirus

‘Norovirus outbreaks are more common this time of year, there is no specific treatment for norovirus, but you can take steps to ease your symptoms. If you’ve got sickness and diarrhoea, stay hydrated.

‘Don’t see your GP unless symptoms persist more than a few days, the best ways to avoid catching norovirus is wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet. Last but not least, norovirus can leave you contagious 48 hours after the symptoms go, so please avoid hospitals and care homes.’

Get your flu vaccination

‘The best way to stay protected against the flu is to get the vaccination, the jab is free for pregnant women, over 65s and those with underlying health conditions. If you have a child ages 2 – 3 they are entitled to a free flu nasal spray to keep them protected.

‘If you are experiencing flu like symptoms, please seek advice from your pharmacist before it gets more serious. If you want to book a vaccination please contact your GP practice.’

Use the right service

‘If it is not an emergency, you can get medical advice 24/7 by using the NHS 111 service, they have trained medical professionals available who can direct you to the most appropriate medical care.

‘If you want to speak to someone face to face you don’t always have to wait for an appointment with your doctor. Your local pharmacy can provide clinical advice for minor health conditions common over the winter period such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.’

Keep a stock of useful medicines

‘It is important to keep a stock of over the counter medicines in your home over the Christmas period as your local surgery or pharmacy may not be open.

‘These remedies could include basic painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol, cough syrup and antacids that are all available at your local supermarket.’

Look out for yourself and others

‘The colder weather and shorter days can affect your mental health, get out in the sunshine if you can, even short bursts can improve your mental wellbeing.

‘Older neighbours and relatives are more vulnerable in the winter months and may need a bit of extra help to stay well, make sure you keep in touch and check in on them when you can.’

There is further advice on self-care here, you can also find details of GP and pharmacy opening times over the winter season here.

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