Safety information

Medicine Safety - Assurance from GP Practices Flowchart

Using emollients with oxygen

For information and guidance on using emollients on patients who are also using oxygen click here

Safety alerts


New data have confirmed that the risk of breast cancer is increased during use of all types of HRT, except vaginal oestrogens, and have also shown that an excess risk of breast cancer persists for longer after stopping HRT than previously thought.

Prescribers of HRT should discuss the updated total risk with women using HRT at their next routine appointment. Resources are provided to assist with this discussion. A Drug Safety Update article is also available on the MHRA’s website to support this alert.


NICE and TEWV Foundation Trust recommend that dosulepin is not prescribed. TEWV have produced  information on reviewing and stopping dosulepin which can be found, here.

Esmya (Ulipristal Acetate)

An MHRA alert on restrictions to use and requirement to check liver function can be found. here.

Quinine Sulphate

Quinine should not be used routinely for nocturnal leg cramps. More information can be found HERE.


Valproate medicines (Epilim, Depakote): contraindicated in women and girls of childbearing potential unless conditions of Pregnancy Prevention Programme are met. More information can be found HERE.

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, Integrated Medicines Optimisation Committee (IMOC), Medicine Safety Sodium Valproate resources (click on 'Sodium Valproate' to see the full list of resources)


Risk of non-melanoma skin cancer, particularly in long-term use. More information can be found HERE.


New information about risk of severe and fatal burns with paraffin-containing and paraffin-free emollients can be found HERE.