#Mylocalpractice: what your GP surgery can offer you

In Summer 2021 the NHS North Yorkshire CCG Communications and Engagement Team carried out a survey to gather patient views of general practice across North Yorkshire.

Results highlighted several recurring themes and the Team agreed to undertake a localised campaign to support primary care colleagues and patients to understand the changing landscape of General Practice.

This campaign, #MyLocalPractice, has now been developed in partnership with primary care colleagues with input from the CCG's Patient Partner Network and aims to address three main themes:

  1. How and why general practice across North Yorkshire and York is working differently (particularly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic)
  2. Showcasing the various roles, skills and knowledge available within general practice
  3. Addressing unacceptable patient behaviour, such as offensive language and swearing, racist comments and threats

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#Mylocalpractice overview: animation

How and why GP practices are working differently

Showcasing the various roles in Primary Care