Eligible Residents in North Yorkshire and York encouraged to take up their spring booster vaccination offer

NHS leaders in North Yorkshire and York are encouraging eligible patients to take up the offer of a spring booster vaccine when they receive it. As throughout the vaccination programme those whose clinical need is greatest will be prioritised. Current eligibility for the spring booster vaccination programme includes: Spring boosters for people aged 75 years…

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‘Get vaccinated’ plea as coronavirus hospitalisations surge in North Yorkshire

As hospital numbers rise from the impact of the Covid-19 Omicron variant, the region’s leaders are urging people to renew their resolution to get vaccinated and boosted. They are also engaged in surge planning to maintain critical services in the coming weeks. Residents across North Yorkshire and York redoubled their efforts to turn up to…

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NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) encourages patients to get their winter vaccinations

While a lot of people have come forward for their COVID-19 booster vaccination when they have been offered it this winter, there has been a lower uptake in the flu vaccination programme in North Yorkshire. Flu, short for influenza, is a common infectious viral illness spread by coughs and sneezes. It can prove fatal for…

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More opportunities for eligible patients in the Harrogate district to get their COVID booster jabs

Patients in the Harrogate district who are eligible for their COVID booster vaccine can now book appointments to have their jab at the Yorkshire Event Centre. The Yorkshire Health Network – a collaborative of GP practices in the Harrogate and Ripon districts – is aiming to deliver around 20,000 jabs from the Harrogate showground site…

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