NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG supports Diabetes Prevention Week

Published on Apr 20, 2018

Scarborough and Ryedale residents are being encouraged to eat healthy foods and be more active to reduce their risk of Type 2 diabetes, with a major programme of work to support people with diabetes now under way.

It is thought nearly 12,000 residents in Scarborough and Ryedale are currently at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, which can lead to other serious conditions including stroke, heart disease, limb amputation, blindness and early death.

Treatment of diabetes costs the NHS more than £8 billion every year – that’s 10 per cent of the entire budget – and one in six patients in hospital has diabetes.

Around nine in 10 people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes which is closely linked to obesity and yet is largely preventable by eating healthily, being more active and losing weight.

GPs and other healthcare professionals in Scarborough and Ryedale are using Diabetes Prevention Week (16-22 April) to encourage residents to improve their future health.

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Clinical Lead for Diabetes, Dr Chris Ives, said: “Since 1996 the number of people with diabetes in the UK has more than doubled from 1.4 million to 3.3 million and it is estimated that 5 million people are now at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

“It’s a ticking timebomb for the NHS, yet Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable through lifestyle choices.”

Meanwhile, a programme of work to provide extra support to patients with diabetes is now and up and running.

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG in partnership with Vale of York CCG collaborated with York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to secure around £430,000 through NHS England’s Diabetes Transformation Fund.

One element of the programme is to review specific cohorts of patients with diabetes and offer targeted support to those people who have higher than recommended HbA1c levels, blood pressure and/or cholesterol that could lead to additional complications.

The additional support may also include a specialist GP review, psychology and social worker intervention, as well as medicines management help.

You can check to see if you are at risk of type 2 diabetes at www.diabetes.org.uk/risk

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Patients encouraged to support community pharmacies in Scarborough and Ryedale

Published on Apr 19, 2018

(Footage courtesy of That’s North Yorkshire, Freeview Channel 7)

Patients in Scarborough and Ryedale are being encouraged to use their local high street community pharmacy for prescriptions, health advice and over-the-counter medicines, as online pharmacy companies step up their efforts to promote their “repeat prescriptions” service and attract new customers.

Community Pharmacy North Yorkshire which represents many high street pharmacies, says residents who use an online pharmacy company need to be aware that they will not get access to the same range of services and risk missing out on important face-to-face help and support.

Jack Davies, Chief Executive Officer of Community Pharmacy North Yorkshire, said: “High street community pharmacies do so much more than just provide prescription medication and over-the-counter remedies – they provide a range of other valuable services that just can’t be replicated by an online provider and offer a personal touch that can make a huge difference to a patient’s health and wellbeing. Online pharmacy is an option, but people need to be aware of their limitations.”

Community Pharmacy North Yorkshire has produced a list of services and benefits offered by a community pharmacist that it says, realistically, internet-based pharmacy companies may not, or will not be able to provide. They include:

  • Dispense liquid medicines
  • Dispense refrigerated lines such as insulin and vaccines
  • Dispense controlled drugs
  • Dispense drugs required for immediate use
  • Face-to-Face contact for discussion or review about current medicines (Medicines Use Review)
  • Personal Face to Face Minor Ailments advice
  • Personal Face-to-Face contact for discussion about new medicines (New Medicine Service)
  • Within walking distance from your home
  • Run targeted local health campaigns
  • Is an accredited Healthy Living Pharmacy
  • Access to locally commissioned services, such as morning-after pill, smoking cessation, falls assessment, alcohol awareness

Alastair Farquhar, Head of Pharmacy at Lincolnshire Co-op, which runs 49 pharmacies including its Aberdeen Walk Pharmacy in Scarborough, said: “All pharmacists have trained for five years and can offer expert advice on lots of minor ailments. Most pharmacies in North Yorkshire offer confidential consultation rooms too.

“We can help with many common problems such as coughs, colds, aches and pains, treating minor injuries and infections – and we provide medicines management advice. If a community pharmacist can’t help, we’ll tell you whether you need to see a doctor or where else you could get the best treatment.”

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) says patients need to make “an informed choice” about which pharmacy service they use.

Dr Greg Black, NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG clinical lead for medicine, said: “Patients are free to get their prescription medicine from an online pharmacy, if they wish, but they may prefer the face-to-face interaction of a high street pharmacy.

“The majority of people live within easy reach of a community pharmacy and many pharmacies offer extended opening hours in the evenings and at weekends, making them convenient and accessible.

“Community pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals. They’re experts in helping patients manage medication and long-term conditions and are an important component of the local healthcare system in Scarborough and Ryedale.”

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Hay fever: CCG recommends ‘over-the-counter’ remedies for sufferers

Published on Apr 19, 2018

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) says patients who suffer from hay fever should initially visit their local high street community pharmacy for help and advice, rather than make an appointment to see their GP.

Pharmacists are well placed to offer their expertise to help hay fever sufferers manage their condition.

A number of effective over-the-counter remedies are available from pharmacies, as well as supermarkets and smaller grocery stores, including antihistamine tablets, nasal sprays, eye drops and decongestants.

Dr Greg Black, NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG’s clinical lead on prescribing, said: “We are keen to encourage patients to visit their community pharmacy for advice and to purchase treatments ‘over-the-counter’, rather than make an appointment to see a GP and obtain a prescription.

“Patients do not always realise that a wide range of effective hay fever medications can be purchased from community pharmacies, supermarkets and even corner shops without seeing their doctor and that these medications are often cheaper than NHS prescription fees.”

Ekaitz Unanue, Pharmacist Manager at the Lincolnshire Co-op in Aberdeen Walk, (pictured) said: “There’s no cure for hay fever but most people can tackle their symptoms with over-the-counter medication. Treatments come in many different forms such as tablets, capsules, liquids, nasal sprays and eye drops. Your local pharmacist can recommend the most appropriate medication for you for free.

“We’re here to care for people’s health and wellbeing and offering free advice to our customers suffering with hay fever is one way we try and make life better in our communities.

“Our branches have private consultation rooms and best of all, there’s no appointment needed. If you are suffering with hay fever, just pop in and speak to a helpful member of our expert team.”

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG says there are a number of measures hay fever sufferers can also take to help themselves:

  • Keep windows shut in the house and car, especially when pollen counts are high
  • Avoid cutting the grass, grassy areas, woodland, pollutants and car fumes
  • Wear wrap-around sunglasses
  • When you get indoors wash your hands, face, hair, rinse your eyes and change your clothes
  • If possible, stay indoors when the pollen count is high
  • Use petroleum jelly inside your nose to block inhalation of pollen
  • Keep your house clean and wear a mask and glasses when doing house work
  • Don’t dry washing outside to avoid pollen sticking to your clothes
  • You could buy a pollen filter for the air vents in the car

Patients are advised to see their GP if:

  • They are experiencing wheezing, breathlessness or tightness in their chest
  • They are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Their symptoms are not relieved by over the counter treatments in combination with measures to reduce exposure to pollen

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG spends more than £1 million a year on prescriptions for basic medicines that patients could buy themselves, over-the-counter, including around £50,000 a year on antihistamines.

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CCG welcomes new GP Partnership in Scarborough

Published on Apr 4, 2018

(footage, above, courtesy of That’s North Yorkshire, Freeview Channel 7)

Four GP practices in Scarborough are set to merge on 9 April, benefiting around 30,000 patients.

Belgrave, Falsgrave, Peasholm and Prospect Road surgeries will come together to launch a new partnership called Central Healthcare.

The new organisation will be headed up by six GP partners, Dr Faisal Baloch, Dr Deepankar Datt, Dr Ron Diffey, Dr Simona Gheorghiu, Dr Ruth Guest and Dr Omnia Hefni.

The four surgeries will continue to operate from their current premises and patients will still be able to see the doctor they’re used to seeing, if they wish.

In time, the merger will mean patients having access to more specialist care in a surgery setting which will be brought about “from enhanced training of staff and alignment of resources to better meet the needs of patients with long term conditions”.

Speaking on behalf of the six partners, Dr Ruth Guest said: “This exciting merger will not just allow the four existing practices to survive, but will allow GP services to thrive.

“There’s enormous pressure in primary care at the moment and if we were to continue working as we were, as small isolated practices, we would struggle to provide a high quality, responsive, and safe service to patients.

“This merger gives us the opportunity to provide patients with an enhanced service which makes the best use of equipment, experience, expertise and other resources, while keeping administrative costs down.

“A larger entity should also make it easier to recruit doctors and nurses, with better training and career development on offer.”

The merger of the four practices is not resulting in any redundancies. All existing staff are being retained, though some will be undertaking different roles.

There will be a new website which will make it easier for patients to order medicines and manage appointments. The four existing websites will run alongside this for a short time until they are phased out.

Sally Brown, Primary Care Lead for NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “The merger will bring about significant benefits for patients, including greater access to different health and social care professionals.

“There’s scope for more specialisms to be introduced, as well as additional clinics and appointment slots at evenings and weekends.

“This is a welcome step that secures the provision of GP services in Scarborough.”

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NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG backs Stay Well Pharmacy campaign

Published on Feb 26, 2018

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is backing a national campaign to encourage people to make more use of their local pharmacy to free up GP time for sicker patients and potentially save the NHS around £850 million a year.

Stay Well Pharmacy is a campaign from NHS England which encourages people, especially parents and carers of children under the age of five, to visit their local pharmacy team first for clinical advice for minor health concerns such as sore throats, coughs, colds, tummy troubles, teething and aches and pains.

Dr Greg Black, NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG’s clinical lead for medicine, said: “Pharmacists are available to provide expert health advice and in most cases are conveniently located and easy to access within local communities.

“Pharmacists are able to provide help in managing minor illnesses and give health and wellbeing advice, so they are a useful person to see for minor health concerns.”

Community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are qualified healthcare professionals who are the right people to see if you need clinical advice or over the counter medicines to help safely manage a wide range of minor health concerns.

Pharmacists are trained in managing minor illness and can assess symptoms and recommend the best course of treatment or simply provide reassurance, for instance when a minor illness will get better on its own with a few days’ rest. And if symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, they have the right clinical training to ensure people get the help they need.

With most people living within easy reach of a pharmacy and with many pharmacies offering extended opening hours in the evenings and at weekends, pharmacy teams offer fast and convenient clinical support with no appointment needed. Most community pharmacies (over 90%) now offer a private consultation room, suitable for a confidential conversation, should it be requested.

Using a pharmacy for minor health concerns will help free up GP time for more urgent appointments and help reduce non-emergency A&E visits.

Search www.nhs.uk/staywellpharmacy for more information and to help you find your nearest NHS pharmacy services and opening hours.

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