GP Patient Survey 2020: North Yorkshire practices perform better than the national average on every indicator

Most patients in North Yorkshire rate their GP practice higher than in the rest of the country, according to new data released by NHS England. The GP Patient Survey was completed by 6,367 people in the NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area and in almost every indicator, practices, as a whole, performed above…

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Save the Date for Annual General Meeting

Members of the public are invited to the NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will take place virtually on Tuesday 25 August from 5.00pm. The event will include: Updates from the CCG’s Governing Body members, including Amanda Bloor, Accountable Officer and Charles Parker GP, Clinical Chair Presentation of 2019/20…

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NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) offers advice on the new NHS Test and Trace scheme

NHS Track and Trace aims to limit the spread of coronavirus by asking patients with positive test results to share details about the people they’ve been in contact with recently who could have caught the virus as a result. The NHS will get in touch with people who have tested positive, as well as those…

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Pilot scheme launched to tackle children and young people’s sleep issues

The Sleep Charity, an award-winning voluntary organisation based in Doncaster, has been commissioned to provide a sleep support service for children and young people in Scarborough, parts of Ryedale and Whitby. This is a 12-month pilot project and was set up by the former NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)*. Families living in…

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NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) supports care homes during COVID-19

NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has invested in more than 200 Samsung tablet devices for care homes in the county, so residents can access virtual appointments with GPs and other clinical staff. The data-enabled tablets come equipped with the same software that’s enabling doctors to hold increasing numbers of virtual consultations with patients,…

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