NHS North Yorkshire and NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) ask patients to continue to follow government regulations post vaccine

With more people receiving their Covid-19 vaccinations every day, there’s reason to be optimistic about reduced rates of COVID-19 in our communities. However, NHS North Yorkshire and NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are asking people to continue to follow government guidance closely at each stage of the roadmap, even after their vaccinations.…

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Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in North Yorkshire and York support World Immunisation Week 2021

With World Immunisation Week underway NHS North Yorkshire and Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are reminding patients about the importance of vaccinations and keeping yourself protected. World Immunisation Week – celebrated every year in the last week of April – aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages…

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Successful COVID-19 vaccination programme expands to over-60s in North Yorkshire and York

The successful rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines across York and North Yorkshire is expanding to include everyone aged over 60 and people with underlying health conditions. The push to protect people from the virus is moving into the next phase following the successful first stage targeting the top four priority groups – those aged 70…

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GP Practices in North Yorkshire ask for patience, with surgeries seeing high demand for appointments

NHS leaders in North Yorkshire and York are asking residents for their patience and kindness in the run-up to Christmas, with GP practices saying there is high demand for appointments. NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Vale of York CCG say they are pleased people are not ignoring symptoms of ill health…

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