Over 70s are asked to contact the NHS to have their COVID-19 vaccine

The NHS in North Yorkshire is asking people aged 70 and over who have not yet been invited to have their COVID-19 vaccination to come forward and arrange a jab. The NHS had previously asked people not to contact them about their COVID vaccination and wait until they are approached. While this remains the case…

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Vaccinating Harrogate and beyond

Dr Chris Preece is a GP Partner at Church Lane Surgery in Boroughbridge and the Clinical Director of the Knaresborough and Rural District Primary Care Network. In a special post for our ‘Doctor Diaries’ feature, Dr Chris talks about the COVID vaccination programme in North Yorkshire and the setting up of centres in Harrogate and…

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‘Please don’t be complacent if you’ve had the COVID-19 vaccine’, say health leaders in North Yorkshire and York

People in York and North Yorkshire are being urged not to be ‘COVID-complacent’ – even if they’ve had the vaccine. The rollout of the vaccination programme has been going well, with priority groups – including the over-80s, front-line health and social care staff and those who live or work in care homes – the first…

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COVID vaccination clinics: CCG thanks council highways teams for ‘vital’ support

The North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum (NYLRF), which represents the county’s key agencies tackling the COVID virus, is ensuring roads and pavements around vaccine centres are gritted. Heavy snowfall and widespread ice was prevalent in parts of the county during vaccination clinics last weekend. In the last few days Storm Christoph has brought significant rainfall…

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Health leaders call for patience as COVID-19 vaccine rollout accelerates

Health leaders in North Yorkshire and York are urging people to be patient as the phased rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations accelerates. The NHS is currently offering the COVID vaccine to people most at risk from coronavirus. There is no need for patients to get in touch with their GP surgery – their surgery will contact…

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