GP advice on how to stay well this winter

With winter just around the corner, NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are advising local residents on the best ways to stay well during the cold weather.

There are a number of effects the winter can have, and they are not just physical, the colder weather and shorter days can also affect your mental health.

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG, Governing Body member and Local GP, Dr Peter Billingsly has a lot of useful tips to help you stay well this winter.

Be aware of norovirus

‘Norovirus outbreaks are more common this time of year, there is no specific treatment for norovirus, but you can take steps to ease your symptoms. If you’ve got sickness and diarrhoea, stay hydrated.

‘Don’t see your GP unless symptoms persist more than a few days, the best ways to avoid catching norovirus is wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet. Last but not least, norovirus can leave you contagious 48 hours after the symptoms go, so please avoid hospitals and care homes.’

Get your flu vaccination

‘The best way to stay protected against the flu is to get the vaccination, the jab is free for pregnant women, over 65s and those with underlying health conditions. If you have a child ages 2 – 3 they are entitled to a free flu nasal spray to keep them protected.

‘If you are experiencing flu like symptoms, please seek advice from your pharmacist before it gets more serious. If you want to book a vaccination please contact your GP practice.’

Use the right service

‘If it is not an emergency, you can get medical advice 24/7 by using the NHS 111 service, they have trained medical professionals available who can direct you to the most appropriate medical care.

‘If you want to speak to someone face to face you don’t always have to wait for an appointment with your doctor. Your local pharmacy can provide clinical advice for minor health conditions common over the winter period such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.’

Keep a stock of useful medicines

‘It is important to keep a stock of over the counter medicines in your home over the Christmas period as your local surgery or pharmacy may not be open.

‘These remedies could include basic painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol, cough syrup and antacids that are all available at your local supermarket.’

Look out for yourself and others

‘The colder weather and shorter days can affect your mental health, get out in the sunshine if you can, even short bursts can improve your mental wellbeing.

‘Older neighbours and relatives are more vulnerable in the winter months and may need a bit of extra help to stay well, make sure you keep in touch and check in on them when you can.’

There is further advice on self-care san be found here, you can also find details of GP and pharmacy opening times over the winter season.

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Winter vomiting bug and other illnesses on the rise

Published on Jan 7, 2019

Health professionals in Scarborough and Ryedale are seeing a rise in the numbers of people with the winter vomiting bug and other seasonal illnesses.

While the numbers are not necessarily out of the ordinary, GPs and other clinicians say patients and their carers can help reduce the risk of winter infections being transmitted through good hygiene, regular hand-washing and ample hydration.

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust’s Infection, Prevention and Control Team said: “There has been a rise in the number of cases of diarrhoea and vomiting, influenza and chest infections in the community over the past few weeks.

“We would like to remind people they can help reduce the risk of infection through good hygiene and it’s also important that people who are suffering with a winter illness maintain hydration levels to avoid getting more poorly.”

There’s further information about norovirus, here.

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GP advice on how to stay well this winter

Published on Nov 27, 2018

With winter just around the corner, NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG are advising local residents on the best ways to stay well during the cold weather.

There are a number of effects the winter can have, and they are not just physical, the colder weather and shorter days can also affect your mental health.

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG, Governing Body member and Local GP, Dr Peter Billingsly has a lot useful tips to help you stay well this winter.

Be aware of norovirus

‘Norovirus outbreaks are more common this time of year, there is no specific treatment for norovirus, but you can take steps to ease your symptoms. If you’ve got sickness and diarrhoea, stay hydrated.

‘Don’t see your GP unless symptoms persist more than a few days, the best ways to avoid catching norovirus is wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet. Last but not least, norovirus can leave you contagious 48 hours after the symptoms go, so please avoid hospitals and care homes.’

Get your flu vaccination

‘The best way to stay protected against the flu is to get the vaccination, the jab is free for pregnant women, over 65s and those with underlying health conditions. If you have a child ages 2 – 3 they are entitled to a free flu nasal spray to keep them protected.

‘If you are experiencing flu like symptoms, please seek advice from your pharmacist before it gets more serious. If you want to book a vaccination please contact your GP practice.’

Use the right service

‘If it is not an emergency, you can get medical advice 24/7 by using the NHS 111 service, they have trained medical professionals available who can direct you to the most appropriate medical care.

‘If you want to speak to someone face to face you don’t always have to wait for an appointment with your doctor. Your local pharmacy can provide clinical advice for minor health conditions common over the winter period such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.’

Keep a stock of useful medicines

‘It is important to keep a stock of over the counter medicines in your home over the Christmas period as your local surgery or pharmacy may not be open.

‘These remedies could include basic painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol, cough syrup and antacids that are all available at your local supermarket.’

Look out for yourself and others

‘The colder weather and shorter days can affect your mental health, get out in the sunshine if you can, even short bursts can improve your mental wellbeing.

‘Older neighbours and relatives are more vulnerable in the winter months and may need a bit of extra help to stay well, make sure you keep in touch and check in on them when you can.’

There is further advice on self-care here, you can also find details of GP and pharmacy opening times over the winter season here.

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NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG issues cold weather alert health advice

Published on Feb 26, 2018

With weather forecasters predicting a prolonged period of cold conditions, ice and snow this week, heath chiefs in Scarborough and Ryedale are urging residents to “stay well”.

Cold weather often triggers an increase in demand for NHS services. Ice and snow can lead to an increase in slips and falls, while the cold can lead to poorer health for older people, the very young and those with an existing respiratory illness or infection.

NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) says there are measures we can all take to reduce the risk of cold-related ill health and keep NHS resources free for those who need them the most.

Dr Phil Garnett, chairman of NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG, said: “Cold weather is a mere inconvenience for many people, but for others it poses more serious health risks.

“If you have an elderly relative, friend or neighbour, it’s important to check up on them to see if they are keeping warm – ideally homes should be heated to at least 18C.

“We’re also asking people to take extra care when walking or driving during icy conditions. And if you have existing heart or lung problems, or recently had a fall, is a trip out absolutely necessary?

“If you start to feel unwell, even if it’s a cough or a cold, don’t wait until it gets more serious – seek advice from your pharmacist. If you have cold or flu, it’s best to buy medicines like paracetamol over-the-counter from your local supermarket, corner shop or pharmacy. And then stay at home, drink plenty of fluids and keep warm.

“Should you not see an improvement in your illness, get in touch with your GP practice and they should be able to offer you an appointment.

“If you’re not sure where you should go or need medical advice but it’s not an emergency, we’d always recommend dialling ‘111’ to speak with someone who can offer advice and signpost you to the most appropriate service.”

For more information and tips on staying well, please visit the campaign website.

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