Conflicts of interest

Gifts, hospitality and sponsorship



Hospitality means offers of meals, refreshments, travel, accommodation, and other expenses in relation to attendance at meetings, conferences, education and training events etc.

Sponsored events

Sponsorship of NHS events by external parties is valued. Offers to meet some or part of the costs of running an event secures their ability to take place, benefiting NHS staff and patients. Without this funding, there may be fewer opportunities for learning, development, and partnership working. However, there is potential for conflicts of interest between the organiser and the sponsor, particularly regarding the ability to market commercial products or services. As a result, there should be proper safeguards in place to prevent conflicts from occurring.

When sponsorships are offered, the following principles must be adhered to:

  • Sponsorship of CCG events by appropriate external bodies should only be approved if a reasonable person would conclude that the event will result in clear benefit for the CCG and the NHS;
  • During dealings with sponsors there must be no breach of patient or individual confidentiality or data protection rules and legislation;
  • No information should be supplied to the sponsor from which they could gain a commercial advantage, and information which is not in the public domain should not normally be supplied;
  • At the CCG's discretion, sponsors or their representatives may attend or take part in the event but they should not have a dominant influence over the content or the main purpose of the event;
  • The involvement of a sponsor in an event should always be clearly identified in the interest of transparency;
  • CCGs should make it clear that sponsorship does not equate to endorsement of a company or its products and this should be made visibly clear on any promotional or other materials relating to the event;
  • Staff should declare involvement with arranging sponsored events to their CCG.

Other forms of sponsorship

Organisations external to the CCG or NHS may also sponsor posts or research.

However, there is potential for conflicts of interest to occur, particularly when research funding by external bodies does or could lead to a real or perceived commercial advantage, or if sponsored posts cause a conflict of interest between the aims of the sponsor and the aims of the organisation, particularly in relation to procurement and competition. There needs to be transparency and any conflicts of interest should be well managed. For further information, please see Managing Conflicts of Interest in the NHS: Guidance for staff and organisations.

Procurement and tendering procedures

It's important that the services which the CCG commissions are underpinned by robust, fair and transparent procurement exercises to ensure that the quality of those services are achieved and maintained in order to facilitate greater choice for our patient population and to secure best value for money with public resources.

Conflicts of interest can arise in many situations, environments and forms of commissioning, with an increased risk in primary care commissioning, out-of-hours commissioning and involvement with integrated care organisations.  Conflicts of interest can arise throughout the whole commissioning cycle from needs assessment, to procurement exercises, to contract monitoring.

A register of procurement decisions is available here (Updated July 2022).