Future doctors get chance of extra funding and support with new mentoring programme launched by local GP Practice

Haxby Group GP Practice has launched a new GP Mentoring and Support Programme, offering bursaries to people wanting to become a GP. The new programme is designed to offer support to future doctors and those applying to medical school across the region. Anyone interested in becoming a doctor will get the chance to apply to…

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Health leaders in North Yorkshire and York encourage patients to ‘talk before they walk’

NHS leaders in North Yorkshire and York are continuing to urge people to make sure they are accessing the right care when they are feeling unwell. Accident and Emergency departments across the country are exceptionally busy and some of those attending could be better treated elsewhere. A surge in visitor numbers to emergency departments combined…

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Patients with a Learning Disability in North Yorkshire encouraged to attend annual health check appointments when called

GP practices in North Yorkshire are encouraging patients with a Learning Disability to attend their annual health check when invited. Anyone aged 14 or over who is on their doctor’s learning disability register is invited to have a free annual health check once a year. Most of the Learning Disability Health Checks in North Yorkshire…

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Live with Covid – and take good care

People across North Yorkshire are asked to carry on being considerate towards each other now Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. Covid rates in North Yorkshire remain high at 999.1 per 100,000 population and 371 beds in hospitals serving North Yorkshire’s residents are occupied with Covid patients, 11 in intensive care. Moreover hundreds of education settings…

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Health professionals eager to address vaccine fears among some patients to boost take-up of COVID jabs

Doctors and other healthcare professionals in North Yorkshire and York say they are working hard to address the fears and phobias that are holding some people back from getting vaccinated against coronavirus. They say many of those who have not yet stepped forward have genuine anxieties, such as a phobia of needles, a fear of…

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