The Go-To website launched to help young people’s mental health

A new website has been launched dedicated to helping children and young people find mental health support in North Yorkshire. The Go-To ( is a portal or ‘single point of information’ for the wide range of mental health support services offered by different agencies in the county. With the majority of young people currently not…

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NHS and local councils coordinate response to COVID-19 in North Yorkshire

The NHS and local councils in North Yorkshire and York are working closely together to deliver essential care and support for the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. This collaborative working will help ensure people’s health and care needs are effectively met across the region and we are able to look after the most vulnerable. NHS…

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NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) reminds patients that the NHS is still available for non Covid-19 related illnesses

NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) says it is concerned patients may be putting off using NHS services for illnesses not related to coronavirus (Covid-19) The CCG is reminding patients that GP services, pharmacies, NHS 111, out-of-hours services and emergency departments are all still available to patients. When accessing your GP surgery this is…

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Statement: Re-opening Abbey ward at Whitby Hospital

The NHS in Whitby is exploring options to ensure it has sufficient capacity as part of its response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Humber NHS Foundation Trust and NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group are well prepared for outbreaks of infectious diseases and part of these preparations includes the re-opening of the Abbey ward to provide…

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Cancer Advice Line for Harrogate patients

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust have launched a Cancer Advice Line for cancer patients in Harrogate and their families and carers. This advisory line signposts callers to specific information and address queries. It is staffed on a rota basis by administrative and nursing staff so that it has…

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