Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
About SEND
NHS North Yorkshire CCG (NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB from July 2022) and our partners within Health, the Local Authority, Education and Social Care recognise that children and young people (CYP) are exceptionally important and improving their health and wellbeing is a key priority
The Children and Families Act (2014) places a statutory duty on the NHS to work with local authority partners to provide help and support to children, young people aged 0-25 years, and their families, who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
SEND covers physical and mental health conditions and learning disabilities: conditions do not have to be long term or lifelong, although many children and young people with SEND do have such conditions.
The Children and Families Act 2014 requires CCGs (ICB's from July 2022) and health providers, to work effectively together to improve outcomes for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs (SEN). The aims of this legislation is to ensure a more integrated and personalised service, a focus on outcomes and alignment with a number of key NHS programmes such as Transforming Care (Learning Disability), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) transformation and integrated and personalised commissioning.
Our roles
Local Offer (including SEND specialist support and inclusion)
If children and young people aged 0-25yrs have special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND), North Yorkshire's Local Offer website will provide them, their families and professionals with accessible information about services and support available locally.
The Local Offer helps you to understand what services you can expect from a range of local agencies, including your statutory entitlements, eligibility and referral criteria. The Local Offer also makes clear what is available from a wide range of services, including:
- Early years settings
- Schools (including academies and free schools) and colleges
- Sport and recreation
- Health services
- Social care
- Employment and further education
You can find our more about SEND specialist support and inclusion, here.

One Minute Guides
Useful links
SEND Mission Statement
Please find attached our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 'Mission Statement' detailing how we will provide the best support possible for Children and Young People with SEND in North Yorkshire and York.
SEND hubs and other support provided by North Yorkshire Council
Locality SEND hubs
North Yorkshire Council commissions the locality SEND hubs where families and schools can access support pre and post diagnosis from multi-disciplinary specialists on a neurodiversity needs led basis. You can contact the SEND hubs at NYSENDHubs@northyorks.gov.uk
Communication and Interaction Intervention Pathway
The Council also provides the Communication and Interaction Intervention Pathway designed around three levels of support. This has been running since October 2020. This provides specialist support such as sensory, speech therapy, and self-esteem. Level One is written summary advice. Level Two includes two-weekly 30-minute sessions for six weeks. Level Three includes two-weekly 30 minutes sessions for six weeks plus one weekly 30 minutes sessions for a further six weeks.
Plans will be written by a Specialist Teacher, Speech and Language Therapist or Speech, Language and Communication Specialist and usually delivered by a Specialist Practitioner or Speech and Language Therapy Assistant, dependent on need, and can be used flexibly with the child (and/or staff).
Information and contact details for the Communication and Interaction Team can be found by selecting the relevant locality hub page via SEND hubs | CYPSinfo (northyorks.gov.uk)
Unlocking Autism programme
Additionally, North Yorkshire Council (NYC) offers the new Unlocking Autism parent training course at five sessions (2 hours per session). This is open access and there is no requirement for a diagnosis. This new programme aims to support parent's wellbeing and resilience, and will develop knowledge and understanding of autism, communication, and sensory needs. There is also a session on understanding behaviour through the use of easy-to use tools and strategies. For more details and on how to book please see HERE
Further information for professionals can be found HERE
The Council is also offering a professional version of Unlocking Autism to Schools, Disabled Children’s Service, Early Help Service, Children and Families colleagues. To access the Unlocking Autism parent training course, please contact a member of the Communication and Interaction team by selecting the relevant locality hub page via link SEND hubs | CYPSinfo (northyorks.gov.uk) to discuss.